by Ethelle Rabinovich | Jan 21, 2023 | Feldenkrais general
Stability versus instability: The human body is unstable and made for movement. Part 2 Another important aspect of to the principles of human movement is that we can easily change our base of support. The base of support is the area beneath a person that...
by Ethelle Rabinovich | Jan 15, 2023 | Feldenkrais general
Stability versus instability: The human body is unstable and made for movement. Part 1 The human body standing up is fundamentally unstable and is therefore made for movement. We are so unstable because we have a small base; our two feet which are narrow and...
by Ethelle Rabinovich | Dec 23, 2022 | Feldenkrais general
How to come from lying to sitting This week I uploaded a lesson to my video library which teaches you how to come from lying down to sitting up and from sitting up to lying down repeatedly without getting tired. It teaches you which stages are involved in this...
by Ethelle Rabinovich | Dec 11, 2022 | Feldenkrais general
What the New York Times has to say about Feldenkrais In her excellent article, the New York Times Health Columnist Jane E. Brody wrote about her experience after attending a Feldenkrais group lesson followed by a Feldenkrais individual treatment at the...
by Ethelle Rabinovich | Dec 4, 2022 | Feldenkrais general
What is strength? Part 3 of 3 As I explained in my two previous blogs, “What is strength part 1 and 2”, people often find it hard to fully release their muscular contractions even when resting. We are frequently unaware of these muscular tensions because they...
by Ethelle Rabinovich | Nov 26, 2022 | Feldenkrais general
What is strength? Part 2 of 3 Let’s use the example of the following classic Feldenkrais movement to illustrate how ones’ strength can be affected by using muscular contraction and muscular release. Suppose one is lying on the floor and stands the right foot on...
by Ethelle Rabinovich | Nov 19, 2022 | Feldenkrais general
What is strength? Part 1 of 3 What is strength? As a teacher and practitioner, I have noticed an interesting phenomenon. Many people believe or intuit that strength comes from using some kind of force, some kind of muscular contraction. This is correct of...
by Ethelle Rabinovich | Nov 12, 2022 | Feldenkrais general
I’m in pain, how can Feldenkrais lessons help me? When we are experiencing pain, especially chronic pain, our nervous system is over-stimulated. The thing to do is to first soothe the affected area by reducing the strain there. The best way to do this is to...
by Ethelle Rabinovich | Nov 7, 2022 | Feldenkrais general
What are the similarities between Mindfulness and Feldenkrais? Mindfulness and its concept of learning how to become at peace with ourselves finds a strong echo in the Feldenkrais method. In Mindfulness we use several tools to increase the awareness of what we...
by Ethelle Rabinovich | Nov 3, 2022 | Feldenkrais general
How can the practice of Feldenkrais improve my movements? Have you ever thought about how you make a very simple everyday movement, such as getting up from a chair? Could you describe it to someone in detail? Could you say, for example, which part of your body...